Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Bolivia is, from what we hear, not so easy for travel. For us, however, it was seamless (except for the first rough night of altitude adjustment), since we were in the capable hands of our hosts and dear friends, Evan, Silvana, and Andrea, who managed to take care of every last detail. The photos don't show, however, the plentiful and cheap DVDs of altiplano music, dance, and wrestling to be found in a Sorata market; the prevalence of money changers, unlike Buenos Aires; and the availability of Cheerios and sturdy diapers, unlike Brazil.

Here are a few highlights -- click HERE for our full chock-a-block photo album.

Striding through the market in Copacabana

Checking out the magnificent vista at the sacred Incan Isla del Sol with Andrea

A break during the traverse across Isla del Sol

Coca, ever-present and essential for altiplano life

Watching swarms of pigeons in La Paz

A friendly llama

Children's catalogue photo shoot

Majestic Mt. Illampu up close in Sorata...

...and as seen from across Lake Titicaca

And, lastly, captured on video, is this unexpected Herb Alpert rendition of "If I Were a Rich Man" as heard over breakfast in Sorata at the Altai Oasis hotel. (Click PLAY)

To see the rest of our photos, sit back with some refreshing coca tea, and click HERE.

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