Thursday, December 13, 2007

PB update

Smacking our lips and jumping for joy:

The peanut butter drought has been broken by a deluge of options (because you know we haven't made any peanut butter since the last absurd marathonic attempt):

"Super" peeled peanuts indeed, although the jury's still out about
the appetizingishness of the brand name, Slimé:

Mmmm, stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth good:

Sunday, December 2, 2007

For My Grandparents, When Skype is Not Enough

Hi Bubbe, Boppa, Grandma Toby, Nana and Opa (and anyone else who's keeping tabs),

Skype is great and all, but the picture quality doesn't quite meet my standards, and I can't show you all the things I've been up to. Here's a sampling of some activities I've enjoyed recently...

...splashing in my little porch-sized pool...

...making a big train of my animals and dragging them around the apartment, sometimes hopping on board myself...

...hanging out with Sophia, the flower-eating turtle, upstairs...

...making hats for the whole gang...

...watching the boats in the harbor...

...getting the tickles from Mama...

... cracking myself up...

...and watching the sunset over POA with my pa... name a few.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Livros do Artistas / Artists' Books

One month after our post on the POA art scene, Mama exhibits her own work in the Bienal B. Through a course on
Artists' Books at Subterrânea Atelier, a nifty little gallery nearby, she created this object (above) that she later learned is called an 'altered book.' Altered may be too gentle of a word to describe the way she hacked away at it with an exacto-knife, not to mention drilling, carving, sewing, photocopying onto transparencies, and inserting a lightbulb, but it is certainly accurate.

The books she mauled were Portuguese translations of two Jules Verne books, The Castle of the Carpathians and Village in the Treetops, the latter title aptly describing our little life here above the park. Appropriate for the piece's themes of buoyancy, travel, and motion, when she calculated which pages would be the center of the book, one was the chapter entitled, "Os Dois Viajantes" (The Two Travelers [though I have plans to scratch out "Dois" and add "Tres"]) and the other was "Viagem Fluvial" (River Journey).

Many of the books on display (see below) were journals and diaries of artists, and others, like Mamas, were riffs on the concept of a book, created specifically for exhibition.

The books created during the class were on exhibit for the last week of the show. A collective decision was made to suspend Mama's creation from the ceiling (you can see it glowing in the corner in the photo below).

I enjoyed visiting the gallery, and had time for a little artistic release of my own.

After she started the project, Mama discovered a whole world on-line of altered books and their creators. Here are two amazing book artists you should check out: Brian Dettmer's book 'autopsies' and Su Blackwell's exquisite creations.

Happy reading, slicing, dicing, or however it is that you want to dig into your book today.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Playground Glimpses

Yes, I am wearing Mama's socks. Don't ask.

I never thought leftover sewage tunnels could be so much fun.

Hangin' with Mama and one of my buddies.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Making the Desert Bloom

We share the balcony and the view with a few pots of succulents. Going on the logical assumption that cacti live in the desert and don't need much water, we, well, didn't water them. Our neighbor/landlord/friend then told us that they actually do really well if you give them a drink, so we've been adding a few drops of agua every day or two. Practically overnight, this unassuming little pin-cushion of a plant sprouted this enormous appendage, which borders on the obscene. It is actually difficult to capture the true magnitude of this garish growth, but trust us that it's quite a sight. Stay tuned...we'll be posting updates when this thing opens and the little magenta aliens emerge.


As I was typing about magenta aliens, the darn thing was out there strutting it's stuff to the night lights of POA. Here's a glimpse of this beauty:

I am flower, hear me roar.

* * U P D A T E : THE NEXT DAY...

In what appears to be a sad, evolutionary glitch, it was just a one-day night-bloomer. Why all that effort for one day of glory?

Lucky for us camera-happy, cactus-watchers, it looks like there's another on the way.

Conclusion: drink water and bloom.

Goodnight Moon

Mama was unusually sleepless at 4 a.m. and caught the moonset over the city.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Celebrations of Children

Finally a country that prioritizes children – at least recently. It seems like every weekend is another celebration of children. September 27 was the Catholic day for Saints Cosme and Damion, and then last Friday was Children’s Day. The latter is the kid's equivalent of Hallmark’s Father’s and Mother’s Days, but many people get the day off. Celebrations for Cosme e Damião – as they’re called here – continued well past the 27th, into the weekend and next week.

My playground had an offering of sweets and candles by a tree. But a more festive event for me was the Umbanda ceremony to the Ibeijadas, African spirits of twin children who through Afro-Catholic syncretism are associated with Cosme e Damião, two Arabian brother doctors who helped cure the poor for free in Jesus’s name. When we first arrived I ran into the center of the ritual area, where all the action was; but was quickly removed, unfortunately. So while dad videotaped the ceremony from a fabulous vantage point on the drummer’s platform, mom and I circulated with the other moms and kids – seated around the ritual and eating in the kitchen. It was hard to tell why the ceremony was going to wind up being dedicated to children because for the first hour, adult spirits incorporated the mediums one by one, ushering in a session of rigorous dancing and singing. The Iemanjás were fairly passive, but the Oguns wielded swords and the Xangos and Juremas weren’t holding back either. But all of a sudden, after greeting Ogum again, the music changed and the Ibeijadas took over many of the mediums. They fell to the floor, rolling around, laughing, joking, pushing each other, sucking on pacifiers, handing out candy, playing practical jokes, and generally acting immature. How insulting! That’s not how us, real children behave! We roam around, seemingly aimlessly, hopping from one distraction to the next, making unexpected demands on our parents, all while refusing to eat or drink anything except yogurt and crackers. Nonetheless, it was nice to be recognized.

For the long weekend of Children’s Day, we fled to the coast with our neighbors and their daughter. The coast of Rio Grande do Sul is mostly one long sandy beach – though they say it’s not all that by Brazilian standards because of cold currents and silty water from the Rio Plata. Where we were, in Torres, along the border with Santa Catarina, is apparently the best beach of the state and kicks-off the better beaches to the north. Several high basalt mesas distinguish Torres from beaches to the south. At the top of one were paragliders and a street vendor selling Catholic saints on small boats. At the top of another was an interesting mix of flora, including passion flowers and cactuses.

It was great to get out of town, having been in POA for over a month, and having not yet seen the beach while in Brazil. It also gave me an opportunity to wear my all U.V. protective suit, hat, shoes, and sunglass combo. I may look funny, but, hey, I don’t need to find a Halloween outfit. I’m going as the ol’ kid-of-paranoid-and-gear-happy-North-American- parents. Sadly, this photo was taken minutes before I began shivering and began the painful onslaught of a 103-degree fever. Ah, the benefits of daycare. Nonetheless, the folks enjoyed a Thai shrimp dinner made from mom’s peanut butter, as well as crab, fries, and beer on the beach. Polar is the state’s cheap beer and a favorite of Exu Tiriri – but that’s another story.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Last month I started interacting with Brazilian children on a more formal basis – at nursery school. The playgrounds in the public parks are okay, but I was getting a little bored with the metal and concrete, the ground is often wet, and meeting new kids everyday has its drawbacks. But around the corner from my house is Carrossel, a small preschool that has a class of under-two year-olds, which is unusual in these parts. They play inside, on a covered patio, and in a private back yard, all filled with state-of-the art plastic toys and arts-and-crafts. So I gave it a try.

I go see the "kids" (the word I say every time my folks ask me if I want to go to Carrossel) four mornings a week. It’s actually just four hours a day, but during that time I play and eat both snack and lunch. My Portuguese is improving - my first words were beijos (kisses) and arroz (rice). First we kiss, then we eat. Sounds good to me. Since this is gaúcho territory, once a week we lunch on what they call churrascuria. But by now I’m no fool to the difference. Where are the all-you-can-eat chicken hearts, pork ribs, and beef sirloin, not to mention the “traditional” dance show?

Aside from the inevitable language confusions –- for instance, they call snack “lanche” -- the other big difference from my daycare in the States is that in this class, I’m one of the oldest ones. It’s a bit different being a role model and I miss hanging out exclusively with the big kids. But we often get to play with the older kids outside or in their room which has a cool plastic house. One of the triplets in my class and I played on the first day I was there. I mainly worked the counter, while she cooked up the salgadinhos and feijoada. Aside from the triplets, I tend to play with Julia, Chico, Pedro, Clara and Tiago. The mornings are light there as most parents drop their kids off in the afternoon. But my afternoons are too busy with napping to stay all day.